So when did the tristate area get monsoon season?

Seriously wtf. I would like to go outside and not get soaked sometime this month.

And this shit is just lingering over the city right now.

yeah driving home today on 70 was hell…couldn’t see shit

51 was shit today too…

go build a ARK

Blame Ohio

shit is def Gay

going to chicago… enjoy the rain

I was driving thru bethel today and I feel really bad for this one family when they come home lol

their nice tree in their front yard looked like it just completely fell apart and ripped down all their wires going to the house and took off about 10 feet of the corner of the roof…

Enjoy the wind :hsugh: their weather is worse then ours is usually.

I had to pull over on the Pike on Saturday evening and wait it out. THis weather is getting old.


WTAE said its been the wettest June in 10 years.

I blame Al Gore.

seriously though, if we could get it to stop raining every day for the drive home that would be great. Its almost always beautiful in the morning and just gradually slides to a shit storm as the day wears on. **** this weather.

70 and sunny…

haha, you could be down here. every day, you wake up it’s sunny, by 11am it’s mostly cloudy, by 2 pm the sky is black, 2:01 pm some of the worst thunderstorms you have ever seen unleash, 3pm it is back to sunny, 93* and 200% humidity.

seriously, every day for the past 3 weeks now, and it only continues all summer long like this

yeah but then you still get to wear shorts out in January, February, March, April.

I’d rather deal with the 3 rainy months and weather in central florida and have the rest of the year still nice.

Up here we only get 3-4 months of warm weather and when it rains the whole time, it makes me want to kill someone.

My lawn is really green.

This rain really keeps it growing. I’ve mowed the grass at the place I work twice this week.

Consistent nice weather > green grass. Yesterday (Wednesday) was great. Unfortunately, Pittsburgh is close to Seattle in number of cloudy days and rainfall IIRC.

I am in Switzerland and it was raining here yesterday too. so not to worry, Rain is every where.

humidity ftl