So who cant wait for Guitar Hero 3?

lol guitar hero party

Yeah definitely picking this up for the Wii. This will be ownage.

Haha, for once I can agree with you.

=Ugh. The new gutar looks amazing…

I am pshyched to beat everyone again. My expert GH2 skillz > *

awesome list, can’t wait :tup:

That ruled.


Definitely getting it for the Wii.

You know it, pork tenderloin, cheddar wurst, and Guitar Hero.


omg hello, cant wait!!!

i heard it’s only coming out on playstation 3 though, well and xbox.

negative.other systems also.Ps2 for sure

Hm. Well I heard it wasn’t going to available for PS2

^^ you should try doing research instead of going on what you heard :slight_smile:

yea…and calling me this time ass face

I just hope it will be more difficult… GH 2 and GH 1 were kind of a bore :frowning:

we have preorders for ps2, ps3, xbox360 and wii at toys r us.

the cheddar wurst squirt me in the face when i bit into it. it was my first and last gay experience. it was unpleasant. after that i enjoyed the tasty wurst

dragonforce, rise against, beastie boys, senses fail, afi


cant wait


im picking up my copy right now.Just came out

grabbed mine this morning…

been playing it and watching football

Gonna pick her up on friday, My playstation is about to be used and abused again