So who cant wait for Guitar Hero 3?

the fast picking is no problem… and with the new guitar and hammering on and off… some of those solos are kind of easy… where its like alternating blue and orange i might have a little bit of difficultly because i tend to use my pinky and ringer finger… the pinky isn’t that fast… but for the most part thats not all that bad… i would have to check the parts though and probably fail a few times but its totally possible

True, espically since you can practice parts of the song and slow down the tempo…

Thanks for getting back to me Skunk. :gtfo:

Sean…I reconfigured my router so I should be cool next time.

All I have left on expert is “One” and then the devil BS.

I can’t get the fast solo for “One” near the end yet. One more day of practice and my fingers will keep up.

The rest of the game has been fairly easy for me to play through. Disturbed and Slayer were tough as hell. Knights of Cydonia is definatley a new fav of mine. I have no idea why though.

EDIT. Is anyone else having a problem with their detachable neck on the Les Paul? Evey once in a while my green button won’t work untill i wiggle the neck around.

ahhha sorry hank. ended up doing some co-op career.

i should probably be on later

HEY!!! i figured out how to get the guitar working, lol

woohoo step 1 complete

^^^^ LOL It took me 20 min to figure out how to get it to work on the PS2 wireless lol… that switch is hidden… then i found out i put the batteries in the wrong way :frowning:

lol im dumber than you, i have a wired one, the connector was out a bit and it wouldent work.


Sean…I reconfigured my router so I should be cool next time.


lol, so i left to go check out a noise i was hearing outside and ended up chasing a group of kids down the street with my paintball gun lol

kids - do you have any candy?
me - no, its not halloween yet
kids - too bad poppopeggseggs*
me - motherf*ckers…all dead…
runs into house for weaponry
popopoopopopopopopopoppopopopopopopopopopopopopop auto fire

i think im going to camp out on my 2nd floor porch and snipe off kids who throw eggs all night tonight, b.c i know those fucks are going to come back…


lol, so i left to go check out a noise i was hearing outside and ended up chasing a group of kids down the street with my paintball gun lol

kids - do you have any candy?
me - no, its not halloween yet
kids - too bad poppopeggseggs*
me - motherf*ckers…all dead…
runs into house for weaponry
popopoopopopopopopopoppopopopopopopopopopopopopop auto fire

i think im going to camp out on my 2nd floor porch and snipe off kids who throw eggs all night tonight


lol…i wanna join

LOL, I could totally see you doing that.

70% on the first run through of Dragonforce song…

I think if i play it … 15, 20 times i can beat it lol…

the beginning kicked my ass but by no means is it that hard

I really really wish they put this song on. :carnut

wont be playing for a while…

stupid ring of death :frowning:


wont be playing for a while…

stupid ring of death :frowning:


huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge tee gay

^^ i know

ring of death?

360 took a :crap:


76% on dragonforce :slight_smile:

just gotta get that intro a little better :slight_smile: for some star power and i think i got it :slight_smile:



76% on dragonforce :slight_smile:

just gotta get that intro a little better :slight_smile: for some star power and i think i got it :slight_smile:


on expert? I’ll believe it when I see it.

actually, I just really fucking hate the intro on expert. after that, barring a few parts, it’s not THAT bad.