So who here is still...

oh totally. yep. thats wher eit came from. where else would it have com efrom???

edit- i just read that and wow. typos. im going to leave it though.l

We never should have gone in. We’ll never get out. The only reason the single state of Iraq could exist before us is because Saddam ruled them with an iron fist.

So if we GTFO, we won’t stop them from killing each other but they wouldnt be able to kill us and our friends.

Good to see we’re making a difference over there


the war is all about oil :bloated: everyone knows that.

Actually if Bush wanted to get richer he would tap alaska and the gulf of mexico and build more refineries…but shhh we don’t speak of such things.

well the problem there are the liberal conservationists that are preventing us from becoming less dependsent on foreign oil because they are worried about some stupid fox that could die.

Bush wants to.

tapping a small reserve in alaska would not benifit much

maybe 10cent price drop, and certianly does not eliminate our dependence on forign oil

The likeness is uncanny. :open_mouth:

Janny. I love you.

I always know that when I see one of your threads, I can expect something intelligent…yet smart assish.

good job.

and this war is as much about oil, as its about Bush. if it was about oil for us, the citizens…we wouldn’t be paying $3+.

And i think another thing is, we are scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits. Escpecially since college is so expensive nowadays, and all the poor kids turn to the military.

When my friend left for the army…the airport (which was filled with recruits) looked like a 50 Cent concert.

Janny maybe instead of writing things like “I’ll come to your house and rape your mom” you could do something constructive like, write a 10000 word essay on how the perfect war should be executed.
When you are done you can post it on NYSPEED and send a copy to the Pentagon since you seem to know more than they.
Thanks so much.

Do you mean, “…than they do,” or do you mean, “…than them?”

I would tell you to do the same, but we can’t have another person with Bush-like English skills in esteemed positions. Look at where that fine decision has gotten us!

EDIT: i just saw corey’s post disappear, so i’ll shut up now

87FOXGT, c’mon bro - throw in your thoughts… you never do, but you’d probably have good stuff to say

There is a lot more than a small reserve in alaska…and also a whole lot of oil in the gulf…

anyone else see that russia found a deposit that they claim is as large as those in het middle east?


there is tons in the states too

LOL!! Had to fix that but still funny. As far as the blog, the english is pretty good. I’m not for the war at all but that kinda makes me wonder if its true or not.

the presence of your sig immediately following your post is a nice follow-up, haha

EDIT: cliffs:suckoff:

Good observation!

Get a room, you two…