So..Who is upgrading to Vista???

Hell… I just want to get Window Media Center… ANyone have it that doesn’t want it anymore?

We have it on a desktop here at our work. Nice looking, memory hog. Looks like Mac OS 10.

And UBMicro will NOT be getting it until April. So students have to wait.
I however can get my own free copy, but don’t have a need for it :slight_smile:

I’ll buy it from ya if you’re not using it. let me know

Wait another 6 months before running vista at least…


dont u guys know the 6 month rule??

Good to know. I’ll be picking up a copy when it arrives.

Sticking with XP SP2 until they pull the rug out from under me.

OOoooo…that’s interesting. I tried that one and it wouldn’t work. Hmmm…I’ll have to tinker.

AKA the SP1 rule…

I don’t plan to upgrade for awhile otherwise I would have kept my machine with it back in May…

Too many conflicts with driver issues, so until all that is worked out I don’t plan it at all until at least the first service pack. Within 3 weeks Yahoo! News headlines:

“Windows new super software Vista hacked! Security codes have already been broke on the long awaited Windows operating system upgrade, users should download the upcoming patch being developed by Microsoft to fix this…”

Or something along those lines as with every upgrade Microsoft throws out there…

setting it up tonight actually :tup:

bitlocker ftw


Thought I’d bump this old thread because I’ve had a Vista box here at work for about a week. They gave me one, business edition, just to fuck around with and see if any of our software package was going to need to be tweaked to work on Vista.

I’m pretty impressed with this OS. Yeah, the confirm or deny shit is annoying, but I turned that off day 1. The eye candy is top notch, I love the dock bar, and a lot of it just seems to flow better. I’ll probably install it on my laptop soon.

Installing it most likely tonight, thanks to Dr. Stevil :slight_smile:

does it turn on/off features based on your hardware specs automatically? My extra gig of ram didn’t come in yet, i can install it with 512 but im worried it will disable aero glass and all the other cool shit and it will be a PITA to turn it all back on

hey joe, you have a pm

edit: you should be fine BTW with 512, althouhg not sure if you’d need to re-activate because of the hardware change

I’m up and running now, upgraded from XP pro without a hitch, shockingly. I’ve never seen an upgrade work right before.
I’m highly impressed at the moment, setting up the DVR function in vista ultimate right now

i returned mine last week cause they dont offer a 64bit upgrade cd for home premium just full so i have to get ultimate but im not in any hurry anymore