So who is working today? v. Dec 24th

off till wednesday

I’m “working” from home. Mostly because I was too lazy to do it Friday or Saturday or Sunday from home… too much vaca

i was scheduled to work today, but when i saw myself on the schedule i went to the guy in charge of scheduling and told him there was a 99% chance i would be “sick” on this day…he said “well we won’t take the chance then” and took me off the schedule for today :tup: . Freedom through Wednesday, then Thursday it’s back to work.

i haven’t worked in like 3 months.

well thank you sir! Merry christmas!

support our troops!

im here till 3. short day today. then the drinking starts :tup:

Just got home from work about an hour ago, went in at 6:30 to get done early.

Don’t let Skunk lie…he is sitting next to me right now…he misses this job so much he came in to work on his day off!

Yea right you two are cuddling in skunks bed

Working 3-11…Someone choke on their holiday ham and come visit me.

pff I wish.

Work 3-12 mon-sat. But im 1 of the few who love my job.

working 1-6

I somehow was given the day off. I must of done something right. Oh wait, its my normal day off!

9-3 for me today…booooo

One of 2 people who were not on the schedule today. Everyone else in the evening crew was put on 2-close.(10pm but will get out roughly 10:45-11pm).

i’m working tommorrow/xmas night at the snoot…lol

I worked 7-11am.

7-9:30 got paid until noon and my boss picked up the tab at the bar