So ya, im alergic to red onions..

so whenever i went to debillas at home i always felt a little weird in the throat area and thought that i was allregic to something in the bread… I also had to cut red onions at roadhouse when i worked there (a 50 lb bag) and couldn’t stand cutting more than 3 before i had to take a break…

so today i get a few slices on my salad… and BOOM… throat starts to get all scratchy and i keep on coughing…

maybe i should have finished my allergy shots

but glad i know now

anyone else allergic to anything? im also allergic to other mens penis’, i found out that the hard way, right skunk?

My fingers get itchy when I am peeling off the shell of the shrimps. But no problem when I eat them

Oh, and I’m also allergic to penis

I’m allergic to mango… but only if I suck on the seed for a while.
glad you found out what it was that was gettin’ you.

and this made me laugh: im also allergic to other mens penis’

haha i read that first as mangoo

anything ending in cylin

and apparently if i eat 2lbs of shrimp in 1 day i break out in hives.

yes, i would do it again if someone gave me 2lbs of shrimp

im alergic to that fire retardant they used to spray on christmas trees

to this day i still use it as an excuse to not have to set up the tree, even tho they no longer use it



Sorry to hear about it, What about the rest of the onion family?