So yeah, this sucks...

I had some Chinesse food the other night. Saved the egg rolls for later.

Ate one egg roll yesterday, nothing.

Ate the other one about 20 minutes ago. Have about two bites left and notice that my mouth is itchy. Look down… fuck, shrimp. Jump in my car speed off to rite-aid and buy some Benadryl. Almmost ate the fuckers before I got through the line. Didn’t want to look like a drug addict though so I ravaged the package in the parking lot.

Feeling a little short of breath, itchy but not that bad.

allergic to shrimp or seafood i take it?


If so, that sucks. Nice save…


oooooooooooooops…i bet u look all swallon

:lol: start calling you Hitch


is your face still suffering from the shrimpies?
if so, take a picture.

OT: You should switch You Profile & Avatar pics.


It was never puffy in the first place :confused:

:rolljerk: :tdown:



…and sorry about the “puffy” thing jeremy…
the “hitch” comment threw me off :slight_smile:

Yeah, the only thing that happens to me is that my mouth and throat get really itchy. Then it is hard for me to breathe.

I haven’t eaten that amount of seafood in 10 years, and everytime I ate it before I would have a worse reaction. But I was able to get anti-histamines in my system within 10 minutes so I think that helped a lot. Doubt it would have been anything serious but it is nice to try.

Sometimes if I am in a restaurant the smell of it will bug me a little. One time I was washing dishes with shrimp on it and I had a bad reaction from the steam/mist. But still only red eyes.

gayest fucking movie ive ever seen btw.

but yeah, good save. im starting to tell people that i am allergic to seafood because im getting sick of hearing “what? how can you not like seafood its sooooooooooo good, mmmmm try some of my sick disgusting pussy tasting slimy food!!”.

(and yes i like the puss, as long as its a penis.)

That sucks balls. i Love shrimp.