
Anybody allergic to certain animals or foods?I am allergic to rabbits. It normally was just watery eyes and I sneeze. Last night I was running cables at my buddy’s house who has a rabbit. My throat started to swell up so I headed home. By the time I got home last night I barely was breathing. I took some benadrel and was fine.

word…cats. ugh.

its always been tollerable for me though. then i went to my friend house warming. UGH. could barely breath, weezing. For the next week my chest was very sore.

i have seasonal allergies, but nothing like that.

Dogs = Death for me.

nope. only allergy I have is “productivity”

Apples, mango, peaches, and bananas. Also the occasional hayfever.

fucking peanuts.


dust…every time i clean its hell.


seasonal and dogs


im allergic to bees…almost died once


flownase works miracles