So you can grow a tree

Surgeons in Russia thought they were going to remove a cancerous tumor from a 28-year-old patient – but instead they found a 5-centimeter tree growing inside his lung.
It happened in Russia’s Urals region while doctors were operating on Artyom Sidorkin, the Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda Daily reported Monday.
Doctors suspected Sidorkin had cancer after he complained of extreme pain in his chest and had been coughing up blood.
“I blinked three times and thought I was seeing things,” Surgeon Vladimir Kamashev told the newspaper.
Doctors believe Sidorkin somehow inhaled a seed, which later sprouted inside his lung.
The spruce, which was touching the man’s capillaries and causing severe pain, was removed

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if you eat a watermelon seed, you’re gonna grow one in your stomach…

“Hey McFly! Why don’t you make like a tree and split!”


It’s on Fox News so I’m sure it’s fake. They’ll blame Obama for it somehow.

you know the google link with all the other links(not fox news) was for you <3

Doesn’t matter. Once Fox News reports on a story, even if it’s being covered by other news agencies, the story is deemed fake.

In soviet russia, tree grows inside YOU. :gotme:

lol… dam

I know, it’s tough, but that’s what the Daily Show told me and they are the only place I trust for my news. /GenY


Hey McFly! Why don’t you make like a tree and GET OUTTA HERE!

that’s some freeky shit

So, they decided to take out the lung as well just to study it? “Hey, umm… we found a tree growing in your lung. We decided since you have two lungs we would take out the other one with the tree to show our friends.”

Wondered how they found this out… did he spit up some fir balls? Was it a bark-ing cough? How wood one find out? Any other ways to get to the root of the problem?

Hey, at least the docs weren’t so in-grained to keep from making the diagnosis. Perhaps this is a new branch of medicine?


Puns… the lowest form of comedy.

where the red fern grows