
So, what is the point of bringing up the snyders ???

Rich people are human too, they can be robbed and buried.
what is the address ?

Darkstar works for the Snyders

All this time wondered what corn oil meant :bash:

Who is this Mark Snyder that you speak of? Never heard of him. :hsugh:


They do own significant acreage and quite a few businesses up here, but they are good to their community, they employ a TON of people with good, solid career type jobs with good benefits and they also do a huge amount of philanthropic work, but they are very quiet about it and most of it you would never know about. I’ve been very close friends with several members of the family for many years.


About 15 years ago I worked on a few of Mark’s vehicles (CCI Wireless in the Ringgold Bldg). He was a very nice guy to deal with.

Yep when you get them away from work with a beer in their hand they are the most down to earth people you will ever meet. They catch a lot of shit from people around town because of jealousy and because when they’re on the clock they are pretty shrewd businessmen.