Social Security: Private or Public? What to do?

Since it probably won’t effect any of us for a while (except blue-eye’d :slight_smile: ) what do you think should be done about it?

I’d love to have the option to invest my way verses just watching that money get sucked out of each paycheck. But I think the public option needs to be there for your average person who doesn’t know jack about planning for his / her future.

Is anyone on here actually planning on receiving social security anyway?

All men are created equal. I shouldn’t have to be my brother’s keeper just because he’s convinced you that he’s less equal than I am. It’s one of the fundamentals that this country was built on.

Privatize it. Social security is a government run ponzi scheme. If we’re not allowed to do it then the government shouldn’t be allowed to do it either. What part of the constitution gives congress the responsibility to save for my retirement for me?

On a totally unrelated note, did you know that much of FDR’s new deal was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional? It got so bad that FDR tried to pass legislation that would let him increase the number of judges on the court so that he could appoint a bunch of liberal judges in order to marginalize the ones who weren’t cooperating with his unconstitutional plans.

A little known fact… SS was created for factory workers that had nothing else. Also it was not started as a “tax” it was YOUR money that they were “holding”, now they act like it is not really your money. It is incomprehensible that they take our money then tell us when we can’t have it. Again, taking candy from a baby.

Yeah we’re so used to being robbed that it seems funny when an old person thinks that they have a social security “account” like it’s just a place where their own personal money is being saved for them.

Just to be clear, when I say I want it privatized I mean I want it abolished. Let people save for themselves and let private charity take care of those who can’t/don’t.

I found it amusing when it was all over the news a few weeks ago that private donating is at an all time low. Well no shit. There’s no need for private charity when government mandated charity takes care of those in need. The problem is that when the government runs it, deciding who does and doesn’t “need” gets influenced by votes. You can effectively vote yourself charity. Hence the democrat party. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s widely been shown that people can’t be trusted to make the decisions for themselves that are in their best interest when given the choice. See $75 fire protection fee thread. The stock market, currency markets, bond market, etc. are just as big of a ponzi scheme except at least the government is nonprofit. Leave it.

So? Dumb people deserve money?

They deserve the chance to not have it taken from them

Then let them stay part of the system and let me make better choices with my money, lol.

They’re talking about “means testing” … they should be talking about “comprehension of retirement strategies testing.” :slight_smile:

Everyone chooses money now over money later. If they give an opt-out option the entire system will collapse because everyone will pick it, including those who have no business doing so.

Also, it covers your ass if you get hurt or sick and are unable to work any more, things you can’t foresee. Otherwise you’re SOL.

This is all irrelevant because old people vote and young people don’t. Therefore politicians only give a shit about the former, and those of us that do exercise our right at a young age are largely picking between two groups that couldn’t care less about them if it means risking the blue-hairs.

A mix between public and private, but to opt into the private system you have to provide financial history of other investment accounts you’ve managed that you haven’t completely fucked up over the last 5 years.

That way people like myself and Onyx can invest our SS money somewhere that it gets a decent return while stupid people will be forced to let old .gov manage it for them. They’ll get a lower rate of return but at least it won’t be pissed away by investing in Nascar commemorative plates.

I would go for that. Unfortunately 1 year in, the NAACP would sue them for being racist since whites were getting into the “elite” program which let a lower percentage of black applicants in and so blacks were getting smaller SS returns, and the gov’t would end up covering the difference :roflpicard:

Sounds like HUD.

i don’t even know what i’m entitled to. no clue what the Canadian system is.

i pay into RRSP’s but even that i assume will be taken away from me somehow.

at worst you could go tiered with the existing system plus a top up, but you have that already anyways. Maybe if you got an option to decide how your SS$ are invested? I love those bullshit forms:

“would you like low risk, moderate risk or high risk?”

“would you like to invest in commodities, technology, bonds?”

i always say, highest right, across the board… it’s going to be taken away from me anyways

Privatize it…People need to learn some responsibility and use a 401k/403b