sohc ps lines for sr20

i loooked googled and i only find f/s stuff on here about power steering lines, anyone know how to BEND THIS EXACT TO FIT AS IM DOING MY SR SWAP. with succesfully doing this if someone can even help i will buy some beer, thats rtie 1337 |333R!

or vevn a good explanitory version on what exact to do would be wicked

thanks team

pretty sure its the same bends as a DOHC swap, i did a twin cam swap in my old '90 and used the SOHC lines, i bent them close to the divers side and they went under the one T/C rod mount and up in front of it then to the pump. it worked well for a month til i bottomed out and bitched one of them.

i’d recommend just getting 91+ PS lines as its the only correct way to do it. i couldn’t find a proper way to run the extra sohc lines without interfering with stuff such as the stock fan.