Soldier in Iraq Refuses Combat Mission. FINALLY! Read on....

Well considering I’m here right now in Iraq (again) I can pretty much tell you nothing goes on here. This is nothing more then a way for contractors to bang in some serious cheese at the expense of soldiers convoying them from point a to point b. Now if you think I have some sham job behind some pc in an Air conditioned office, boy are you dead fucking wrong. Everything here minus securing the FOB has been taken over by KBR. Maintinance? KBR. DFAC? KBR. Billeting? Even hops from one fob to another via air is done thru KBR. It’s pretty sad to see a convoy come in when you work on ECP where a vehicle gets blown up for a civilian convoy of 21 trucks that have no load on them.

As for that dumb dip shit of a specialist. Is he fucked? Yes. Is he going to dissapear? No. Just some jail time and a dishonorable discharge. Nothing more. I dont see what the fuck he’s complaining about. I was supposed to get out in 2006 Nov, but got “stop lossed” and sent here to Iraq where I come to find out I got extended here for another 3 months instead of coming home in August like planed. So 15 months later my new ETS date is somewhere around dec-jan now I hope.

But you wont see me bitching about having to go thru search lanes wondering if the next vehicle has a VBIED on it. It’s a job. Suck it up and drive on.
