Solo party?

i’m down for it :slight_smile: sounds like fun!!

Cool idea, but there are definitely better “solo like” cart tracks around than Freddies oval.

How about lasertron go-karts? I hear those things get super sideways…

Is there also a solo banquet…or is this it?


Wasn’t this the one that a bunch of Solo people started racing at?

There will be an SCCA Banquet, but it tends to be a bit more formal.

I didnt know Epic had them til now…but i think our only 2 choices are Fast Freddies and Epic.

Well last year’s sucked cause it was like $6 for a shot of beer, so no one bought any. The places we were at before were fine, too bad we got kicked out of them:)

Has Heather set anything up yet?

I haven’t talked to her since before she went to Nationals. But I’d think she’d have to have something set up by now, just not sure what it is.

Well, Fast Freddies is owned by the guy that used to own IVR Inc, the software company I used to work for. I would never step foot in that place. He did some extremely shady stuff after leaving IVR Inc that put me in a very bad situation and I have not spoken to him since.

This has nothing to do with my suggestion for another spot though. Before the shady dealings I went there and tried their carts and quickly found going around in a big oval very boring, regardless of the ability to drift.

Solution: A formal party at someone’s pad. Now to find that someone…

Epic center Karts are sweet. if you can talk the operator into Turning the power on full.

IM sure if you booked a party there they could arange something.

im down for getting thrown around again @ a solo event, lol

I’ll go if it’s around the holidays, because I’ll be in Buffalo already. Or maybe we could “test” both venues in December, and then you guys have the party later in January. :slight_smile:

I thought fast freddies was fun, then again that was quite a while ago. Epic center is good too but we’d definitely need to convince them that we need full power. I heard they installed a timing system there too and made the tack a bit grippier. I’d definitely be interested either way.