April 16/17th Event 1 SeAD (Saturday T&T, one course, novices welcome)
May 1st Event 2 OOR FLR RIT
May 8th Event 3 ECC-N (mothers get $10 off)
May 22nd Novice School ECC-N (this one is specifically for NYSpeed)
June 12th Event 4 OOR FLR SeAD
June 19th Event 5 ECC-N
June 26th Event 6 SeAD
July 10th Event 7 ECC-N
July 24th Event 8 OOR MBR Lake Erie Speedway
July 30th/31st Event 9 Divisionals SeAD
August 14th Event 10 OOR FLR Seneca
August 28th Event 11 ECC-N
September 10th/11th Funday Nelson Ledges *
September 18th Event 12 ECC-N
October 2nd Event 13 ECC-N champagne run
Other dates of interest:
May 20/21/22 the Pro Solo at The Meadowlands
June 3/4/5 the Tour at Dover
June 4/5 STPR
July 1/2/3 the Tour at Toledo
Novice school, you asked for it, you’ve got it. LATE start, 1/2 day event, non stop runs, no “sea of cones”. Just want to set up one easy to read course, give you an instructor, and drive, drive, drive, focus is on handling not decoding the line. NO CONFUSING CAR CLASSING, run what you brung, I’m sure the timing lights will be going for educational purposes. Start and end time TBD and compliment the BBQ schedule. So sleep in, come auto-x, go to the BBQ and do heaters.
Nelson Funday not an official event, we’ve asked before about having a PDX event, and it seems like there is interest, but we will piggy back off of Nelson Ledges existing Funday program, just a good time to get everyone together and hit up the track. There is in depth instruction Saturday limited to 25 drivers.
Putting the schedule together is a near impossible task, especially when site options are limited. WNY and FLR have done well the past couple of years to mesh the schedules together. I notice this year that there are several dates where FLR’ers will have to decide between going to a WNY event, or a Glen event at SeAD. I know it’s a long drive for you guys to SeAD, but when you do run events at SeAD, I know that you can count on us being there.
I keep getting the error: “Please fill out the required fields that have been highlighted in red for you
Your email address is invalid, please enter in a valid email”
When I try to change my class to RT.
I have a valid email address entered. I’ve tried it in both IE 7 and Firefox 3.0.3.
Something is messed up there. Just change your class manually when you register for each event until I find time to fix soloreg. Registration in general should work fine though , its just setting your new class in your preferences that is messed up (along with some other small things)
It has been a few years for me at SCCA. Can you still show up for “fun runs” the day of, and what snell rated helmut are you requiring now? Loaner helmuts?
If we run “Fun Runs” at the end of the event, you must be a registered participant in the event. You can show up the morning of the event and register before 9:30, and participate in the event.