Tentative WNY SCCA Solo Schedule

It probably won’t be gone anytime soon, so it only leaves us with smaller courses.


We should find out some time next week what the ‘junk schedule’ is. For all we know it will be gone, but i’m not betting on it. We lose 1 turnaround. Based on attendance #'s last year, it won’t be a big deal to do some more interesting things with the course that takes a little more time if we need to.


Has then been brought up before?


whatever happend to having an event at darien lake?

I know it’s an active airport because I flew out of there in a Cessna when I took those aerial photos of that beach wedding.

I think we were the only plane that moved in the 2 hours or so I was there but I still doubt they’d be willing to shut the place down for most of a Sunday.

Just an FYI, the issues with soloreg should be resolved. If you still have problems please PM me.

:tup: It lets me change and save my default class now.

no novice school this year? just wondering.

There is, but no date as of right this second.

as for locations… theres a nice lot at mississippi and perry street by hsbc arena. The people who own that lot also own the surrounding lots which includes the arena parking ramp and the gated lot across the street.


The area is fairly quiet though if your worried about people bothering your items or your cars when you’re not attending them we should be able to work something out to use the gated lot across the street for a pit area.

any word on a 2010 schedule?

Yeah, and the word is “no”. We still need some time to finalize it, and one of us will start a new thread. Expect it to be in the next month or two.

There was talks of getting NCCC back, and updates on that?

Still in the “talks” phase.

Bump for 2010 Tentative schedule


5/2 ECCN
5/23 ECCN
8/1 BIMP (FLR OOR) *** location subject to change ***
8/29 SEAD
9/12 ECCN
9/19 ECCN
10/3 ECCN (FLR OOR) Champagne Run

(could a mod please change the first post to reflect the new schedule?)

Update original post with 2010 schedule

Too bad to hear about BIMP not being open for 2010. Any word on what’s going on there?

Nice. I need a new valve cover with a different location for the PCV valve, tired of losing soo much oil on right hand turns.

Pre-Registration is up:
1st event is May 2nd at ECC North.