It is very very frustrating. I pretty much gave up and I simply do not have the time to play with it and I need it to work asap so I can get the thing inspected.
I’ve checked everything has been connected properly, but when I hook the trailer up test the lights; I both turn signals and hazard work, but when I hit the brakes I got nothing. The trailer uses a two filament bulb just like my car, and I am using a plug-and-play connector.
I need someone to help me fix it. Thanks. :banghead:banghead:banghead
Probably a ground issue.
I had some issues when I wired up my trailer and found out that it wasnt grounding for some reason. I ended up running a wire to both taillights and then up to a spot on the tongue of the trailer and grounding it there. I couldnt get a good ground anywhere else.
Those Harbor Freight trailer uses a grounding screw near the tip of the trailer for the ground from the car and all the grounds for the lights will tap into the ground via the trailer frame. The ground became too weak I guess by the time it gets to the tail light.
The solution was I connect one ground wire each from that screw to the taillights and it worked. The tricky part was when my day time running lights are all off during the day, all the trailer lights actually works even without the added ground wire, but when the car’s running lights are all on (during night time), the tail light will simply not work without the add ground wire…
They should have told you to run the freaking ground wire to the tail lights to begin with…:retardclap:retardclap