Some cool bars by buddy made

My buddy Ozzy (who owns Variant Fab in Amsterdam), made these bars for this father-in-law’s bike. Best looking bars i’ve ever seen so i had to share. throttle cable, turn signals, wires for gauges are all integrated and hidden inside the bars. All the switches are on the clutch and brake levers, they can be seen as the really small red buttons.

The tank is also a noteworthy piece with the gauge integrated and a flush mount gas filler also

great work, really clean! I have the same bar end directionals on my Z. Have any pics of the whole bike?

Awesome work, looks perfect!

Very neat!

Pics of the whole bike?

there is a huge build thread on hd forums titled “nightster winter makeover” (just found it in a google search), i’m not a member over there though and can’t grab pics without joining

managed to grab one

is that the place on church street by dunkins ?

he makes some awsome stuff

it’s on route 5 next to stewarts

wow that is fuckin cool

kinda diggin the little mirror pointed down too but doesn’t seem very functional there.

clean ass bobber!!!

Prolly just for inspection purposes. Honestly myself I wish I didn’t have mirrors, I dont use them anyway, I always turn my head to check for traffic.

Those bars are awesome, real clean, no clutter.

Nice work!

Nice 883 iron is by far my favorite bike

I was just about to ask if it’s an 883 or 1200

My cuz just bought a 2012 Nightster 1200. They’re sweet bikes


That is very creative!

It is vitally important to know where traffic is at all times and turning your head when shifting lanes is part of being a safe rider, BUT watching traffic as it approaches you at stop lights/signs can make the difference between getting rear ended and implementing your preplanned escape route in time.
Mirrors if used as they were intended helps give the rider a true picture of what is happening around them

very well put. I almost got turned into a KTM sandwhich a few years back becasue someone aparantly didnt see the redlight, 3 cars and a bike waiting at it. I watch my mirror litting there, in gear clutch pulled in like a hawk… she was coming on FAST and I decided not to chance it and sent it around the car parked ahead of me and the bitch behind me finally noticed and came to a skidding hault where I was.

and at steady speed on the highway its nice to see when Joe Rocket and Johnny Race car decide to look cool and pull a ricer fly by past me on a sweet bike.

mirrors for the win.