Some decent exempt level jobs at Citigroup in Getzville.

Just thought that some people might be looking for work at Citi. I have worked for them for a few years and its pretty decent. Good benefits, and a pretty stable place to work. I see that we are hiring a bunch of analyst jobs, and some middle management jobs, also some mid level operations jobs.

The facility is about 3 years old, right next to the big Geico building at Crosspoint Plaza in Getzville.

If you want to search for jobs in getzville, use the location drop down box until you get to “Buffalo”, then just search all the jobs from there.

If you are applying for a job, shoot me a pm first and I’ll let you know what its all about. I’ve worked in a few departments over there and some are better than others.


Ive been there for three years… why the hell dont I know who you are? What department you in?

Why don’t you PM him and keep your budding bromance out of the classifieds.
