Some gsxr's vs a twin turbo cobra
Some fast bikes

holy shit those bikes are ridiculous. Moved out on that Cobra.

Do want.

watched that today…was gonna post it

for what the cobra was, it held its own. can only imagine the rush of that turbo’d gsxr.

I wonder what that guy’s IAT2 temps are after all those pulls :lol

Shit’s quick. :wow

gotta give the cobra credit

nasty bikes!!! :excited

those bikes are fuckin ILLL

2:20-2:30 i just messed my shorts :excited

This shit’s scary.

for a minute i thought he was fast forwarding… :wow :wow

ya for real, imagine runnin a bike like that ??? makes his stang look like it has 400-500 whp

that nitrous bike takes off HARD… that cobra has atleast 9’s all over it if it came out of the hole. those are some serious bikes. 10.5" stretch sure helps with keeping the nose down.

ya no fuckin kiddin, when they take off its like, fake looking, i thought they sped the video up

but i guess not, that shit is redic

Yeah, no shit.
One of them did a wheelie too, the entire time I was thinking “if he loses it at this speed they’ll be scrubbing him off a pole”.
It’s a hell of a rush to take a normal bike to 100 the first time you do it, running this shit boosted I can’t even imagine.

hahaa yea, the most i did was 160 that shit was alot for me… i thought

no joke me too