^ and dont laugh because that car takes most of the sports cars off the line until about 100mph where it looses !
again ^ pwning for the first 100mph
motion blur ^
Here’s an impressive looking shot, racing down the bridge in heavy traffic
I love the paint on the cars, check the hood here…
racing again lol
env mapping looks like it works to me…
flyin here
and here is motion blur off
quick inside shot with my nerdy glasses
GFX settings and other nvidia driver settings are different between the shots, so its not the same level of detail in all of them, and seeing how SLi is not supported im only running on GPU on this game which REALLY sucks but at least I get some smooth gameplay, I still am going to order another 9800GX2 this month tho…
online its cool, but not as fun as playing gta 3 / vice city / san andreas mainly because of the lack of being able to script your own commands and stuff in your own server
online is limited to 32 people in a server at once, where as in san andreas you can have 200 people in the city at once…
all everyone does in free mode is pretty much deathmatch each other, but its still alot of fun i go in with some people i know and use a microphone and its not too bad then
so if you havent played GTA III/vice/andreas online then GTA IV would be mad fun to try out online, but if u did then it would be cool but nothing new other than the awesome fact that in GTA IV online you can sync traffic/peds so all the players on the server see the same traffic (within the same area at least) and the same people, and the cops also will come after you which is cool you can gang up against the cops, alot of fun…
there is already an IMG tool being made, but i don’t know how far i’ll get into modding, possibly not at all since im too busy for it, and also since I bought it from steam and the game is intergrated with social club / windows live / and steam its self, so modding it would be a super bitch not to mention it feels like it takes a year to start up and you have to go through a few steps to do so…