Anyone excited? This might be the first computer game I buy since Half Life 2/CS:S

12/2 for US release and coming on Steam.

I might pick it up. Theres prob gonna be tons of good mods available for it at some point. Im sure the graphics are going to be quite a bit sharper too.

I’ll probably grab it as well. Always enjoyed the PC version more than the console counterparts


Question is, will it be modable given what happened with GTA: SA?

Otherwise fuck yes please.

Well I am looking forward to the open source mods like the GTA:SA:DA mod that allows you to play online in deathmatch mode.

Also debating picking up a USB Xbox 360 controller to use if I can not get used to the keyboard /mous

Pretty sure it’s going to be a “game for windows live” game, so it should fully support the 360 controller

hopefully it is. ive got a wireless 360 controller that im going to use. I think it would be one of those games that just sucks without a controller.

the reviews say its really awesome controls with keyboard and mouse. some pro pc gamer freaks always say that a keyboard and mouse is better. pro console freaks say controller is better. wont have my opinion till i get a hold of it.

Well for shooting i think the Keyboard and mouse is the best by far, but for driving a controler like the 360’s is best since you can be pressure sensitive with the “L” and “R” buttons.

I wish i had a good enough computer for half of the current games out, but there really isnt any good ones at the moment, POS Counter strike source some how broke itself :frowning: so i dont play anything on my computer any more.

Im sure there will be some sick ass mods though, sweet cars and stuff, i think GTA4 should of had a Monster Truck and Tank, i love the damage effects on the cars!


Anyone get it yet? Probably going to buy it today.

I heard its extremely buggy and runs like total shit, even on high end systems.

^ same here

that’s what they get for making a shitty port

Damn…I might wait then till after Xmas and they release some updates. I was really looking forward to this game.

Ya same with crysis when that first came out, why do they release games with all these bad bugs in them, just to piss people off!

Id say that they were either just trying to make a deadline or that its just really difficult to code properly for all the different pc configurations out there.

Or maybe rockstar games is just a bunch of idiots. who knows.

Ya PCs are touch becuase of all the hardware differences. I can understand bugs and stuff on that. Console games that are buggy have no excuse becuase its standardized which they did a nice job of.