Some more cyber bullying

So I guess some big titied blue eyes blonde was studying politica science in the library :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl and then was about to have an epiphinany… more :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

When she heard some asian kid speaking in his language on the phone… Needless to say she got beat up for it, and some asian singer wrote a song in responce to it… needless to say I thought it was hysterical

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I couldnt understand what here tits were saying. can someone please explain what is going on here?!/pages/Alexandra-Wallace/111106258968516


that broad is dumb. shut up now.

Time to go brunette.

That’s ownage for life as her full name is used in the articles.

Good find Krazy, I guess she’s getting death threats and is about to quit UCLA :rofl

Double edit : she dropped out.

I honestly dont know what the problem is. She voiced her opinion online. I didnt hear any threats for specific people.

Problem is she pussed out and recalled the statement, trying to look better by saying I am sorry. Admittance of guilt right there. Should have stuck by her opinion and said fuck it. But since the entire world has too much time in their hands, and internet shit gets blown out of proportion every day she is fucked.

Anyone at any time should have the right to voice their 2 cents on a public forum and not have repercussions unless real threats are made that might actually be accomplished.

Well she wanted attention and to be heard and she got it.

Be careful what you wish for as she clearly couldn’t handle it.

What she did wrong isn’t the fact that she went off on the rant, it’s the fact that she was stupid about it, and people don’t have tolerance for stupid - look at your Xanax thread or miss America? Answering the q&a portion of the competition.

Tell that girl to take her tits out and


true, I hate dumb people.

this is true. we must track her down and hack her computer for said postits.

THe question now is…

Would Wayne Smash?


def not same girl?

yea it is. I have been stalking for the last 5 minutes.

Did she gain 200lbs of bird shit?

maybe she did. Tits are tits man… quit bitchin.

Waiting for said response

With or without pounds of makeup?

photoshop does amazing things.

Why the fuck do people keep making a big deal about these idiots

nothing better to do