Some new pictures

Pics by teh Tigawoods
Editing done by yours truly.

(Just got Photoshop CS4 2 days ago.)

U.S. Bumpers are good for something:

Looks good Zach!

Thanks Mike.

BTW, was that you I saw when I was leaving Kwik-Fill the other day? I was pulling onto 3rd and you were turning to go up Wood.

Looks nice. Is that you pinching a loaf on the bumper?

Yeah, that’s me sitting on the bumper bench. Candid shots FTL.

Yeah that was me dude … Was I in the Dakota or the Kia? The car looks pretty good man! I dig it!

It was the Dakota. Thanks

congrats to you both :rolleyes:

May look cleaner without the BMW plate on the front, kinda breaks up the whole front end. Just a suggestion. Other than that looks nice.

^^ agreed

nice… I dig it. after you get through school it would be even better with a LS1 or 2jz

I would, but the mount was already there for a plate since the car was in NY for a while. Probably will soon enough.

That’s exactly what I was thinking (LS1)

You should be able to take the mount off pretty easily, maybe a black euro plate or something might look pretty good on there. It already looks like some sort of old school james bond car.

Yeah I haven’t even looked at it yet. I had that BMW plate from my 733i, and I thought it looked better than the empty front plate holder for a temporary solution.

Looking good Zach :bigthumb:, except for the whole wolverine beard thing.

Yeah the facial hair is kind of beat.

Some more new pics.

is that murci owned by dan?

Pics look awesome make the car look like a toy.

It’s not a Murc… I don’t know who Dan is. Haha

he means the lambo? I’ve never seen one that color around before.