So some buffalo workers were repainting the stripes on the road… but got a little lazy :bloated: LOL
is that an opossum?
Anyone want to add the “PWNED” caption???
Holy shit, I am totally roffling at work right now. :lol:
Where is Jeller, is that something you would have done???
I used to paint lines on the road.
I can tell you that painting a dead animal can still get you a cruelty to animals fine up to $10,000. Cause the animal lovers will freek out. :smash2:
haha thats what I would do.
fake they would not do that
looks real to me. he’s even got it from a couple slighly different angles.
Possibly not. All the workers do is drive along slowly in a pickup (or other modified vehicle) with painting equipment on the back. They, being typical Highway Dept. employees, might not have even seen the thing there.
nope thats definately not fake. I’m going to go back in a few days and see if there is a funny outline in the paint once it washes away lol.
I couldn’t belive it when i first saw it either. But that is some hysterical shit
The wins the:
“Not my job” award of 2006.
Another similar submission in 1998, won that year.
hahahahhaha now that’s great!