funny New York stories!

Subject: Some Funny NY Stories
> I received these from one of my high school buddies…….
> A Tonawanda, NY policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn’t
getting many. Then he discovered the problem… a 12-year-old boy was standing
up the road with a hand painted sign, which read “RADAR TRAP AHEAD”.
> The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was a bit further down
the road with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket full of money.
> And we used to just sell lemonade!
> A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar
post in Kenmore, NY. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the
police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed
photo of handcuffs.
> A Young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the “New York State Trooper”
walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, "I bet you
are going to sell me a ticket to the “State Troopers Ball”. He replied, “New
York State Troopers don’t have balls.”
> There was a moment of silence. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left.

They all made me laugh.Thanks and I’ll make sure to print them out at work tom.

heard these before, but always make me laugh…haha

maybe i should try the whole hand painted sign one get a few extra bucks out of the deal!

heard those same things with out newyork in em.

here is another one
Subject: Buffalonian in Hell
> >
> >
> > >
> > > A guy from Buffalo, NY dies and is sent to Hell. He had been a wicked,
> > > horrible man his entire life. The devil puts him to work breaking up
> > > rocks with a sledge hammer. To make it worse, he cranks up the
> > > temperature and the humidity.
> > >
> > > After a couple of days, the devil checks in on his victim to see if he
> > > is suffering adequately. The devil is aghast as the Buffalonian is
> > > happily swinging his hammer and whistling a happy tune. The devil
> > > walks up to him and says, “I don’t understand this. I’ve
> > > turned the heat way up, it’s humid, you’re crushing rocks; why are you
> >so
> > > happy?”
> > >
> > > The Buffalonian, with a big smile, looks at the devil and replies,
> > > “This
> > > is
> > > great! It reminds me of August in Buffalo. Hot, humid, a good place to
> >
> > > work.
> > > It reminds me of home. This is fantastic!”
> > >
> > > The devil, extremely perplexed, walks away to ponder the Buffalonian’s
> > > remarks. Then he decides to drop the temperature, send down a driving
> > > rain and torrential wind. Soon, Hell is a wet, muddy mess. Walking in
> > > mud up to his knees with rain blowing into
> > > his eyes, the Buffalonian is happily slogging through the mud pushing
> >a
> > > wheelbarrow full of crushed rocks. Again, the devil asks how he can be
> >
> > > happy
> > > in such conditions.
> > >
> > > The Buffalonian replies, “This is great! Just like April in Buffalo.
> > > It reminds me of working out in the yard with spring planting!”
> > >
> > > The devil is now completely baffled but more determined to make the
> > > Buffalonian suffer. He makes the temperature plummet. Suddenly Hell is
> >
> > > blanketed in snow and ice. Confident that this will surely make the
> > > Buffalonian unhappy, the devil checks in on him. He is again aghast at
> >
> > > what he sees. The Buffalonian is dancing, singing, and twirling his
> > > sledgehammer
> > > as he cavorts in glee.
> > >
> > > “How can you be so happy? Don’t you know its 40 below zero?” screams
> > > the devil. Jumping up and down, the Buffalonian throws a snowball at
> > > the devil and yells, "Hell’s frozen over!! - - This means the Bills
> > > won the Super Bowl !!

ok that last one makes no sense the weather is not that bad in buffalo, made more sense with chicago, and the cubs winning th world series

A wicked Chicago man died and went to the place all wicked people go. The Devil decided to shove him in a room and cranked the heat and humidity up.

The man smiled. When the Evil One asked why the man was smiling he said: “Just like Chicago in Spring”

So the Most Evil One cranked up the heat and humidity more. The man removed his coat, smiled, and said:

“Just like Chicago in Summer”

This time the Destroyer of Beauty cranked the heat and humidity to maximum.

The man removed his shirt and tie and said

“Just like Chicago in August”

The Devil then got an idea. He shut off the heat and turned on the air conditioning. The room froze in seconds. Ice was everywhere. Polar bears hid in dens because it was so cold. Satan, confident he had finally won, peaked in the man’s room only to find the man cheering and partying frantically…

“The Cubs won the World Series…The Cubs won the World Series…”

HAHAHAHAHA… thom is right. it does make more sense with the cubbies winning.

which i hope happens soon :frowning:

mmm all the jokes made me chuckle although I’ve heard em before

You should make it a NEW YEARS picture thread
