Cops don't like NY Speed Shirt

I should have known better than to go driving around town with my NY speed shirt.

I know I was going a little (relative statement) fast, well within in my range for control (another relative statement). I pulled into my drive way went into the house kicked off my shoes, got a loaf a bread to make a sandwich when I heard a screech in the drive way and heard a car door slam. It was a local detective who had seen me driving and was looking for me. Had I not been going back out I bet I could have pulled the car into the garage and never had to hear the lecture about my driving and a couple other things he could not prove.

Then he saw my NYSPEED shirt. He then insisted I must have a lot of tickets, one six years ago, and that there is probably warrant out for my arrest. I proceeded to tell him there was not a warrant and that I had not had a ticket in over five years. That is when he told me he could tell I was lieing and called in my drivers license number… guess what, I was not lieing. :burnin:He was a little pissed, and embarrassed, he told me he would be watching me and to buy a bicycle if I did not have one because he would catch me and take my license away. What a dick. However I will drive a little nicer for a while to let him cool off.

“Huh, I wasn’t out driving, I lost my keys yesterday, my parents are pissed that they can’t park in the garage, I just had to walk to the store :hold up sammich: to get this peanut butter, because last night my dog and I…”

::cop slowly walks away::


wow what an asshole. and what town was this now?

:gotme: just stop driving like an ass. Done.:picard:

Now watch this detective with a hard on spread the word that all NYSpeed drivers, drive like assholes

im assuming somewhere near or in batavia going by his location status.

GTI’s can go fast?

And there’s why I won’t put an NYSpeed sticker on a vehicle.

“No seriously officer, it’s just an internet message board full of retards yelling at each other for spelling mistakes and hitting on this girl named dawn.”

God that place sounds so cool. :drama2:

I prefer “well meaning ass” or “fast asshole”

Batavia is the town and coming from Chicago it is cool ;). This town is not even the big enough to be poor attendance at a Cubs game.

I did not claim I lost my keys because I truly did not know what he was talking about.

I still do like the shirt. It is a great conversation starter when I am out west bar hopping.

ahahahahahuewbrbrr93-; kdfnqsqs2


It’s red it just looks fast…


so wait…you guys are hitting on dawn? not making fun of her?

Hey dtvburns are you the guy I met at an auto-x at ECCN this summer? Around May I think?


The infamous Dawn…someday I’m gonna meet you. Then my curiosity will end. lol

So, shes cute heh? Hmmm

yeah sorry im at work and just replyed real fast before i went on the phone. noticed that after i posted it.

Thats an awsome town…I ran into a pair of young kids driving a C6 vette. Thought they were bad ass in there vette and ended up chalking up a loss. ;).