Cops don't like NY Speed Shirt

how did he get your license #


That depends are you the guy that had a Home Depot modified VW got married and never showed up to any event again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not nearly as bad as she makes herself out to be…

Should of told him it was a internet group for circle jerks.

He can join but first he has to be in the middle for the hazing

:lol: huffy rides nice :tup:


that was awesome

In for nudes of dawn.

Thats what were talking about right?

Hurry, my patience is running out fast :ohnoes:

wait, there are nyspeed shirts?

that’s illegal. file a formal complaint…


And that’s why Dave has no friends in law enforcment. Didn’t tovarisch Bluestoneski’s experience in the sunny, yet snowy village of Geneseo and your own experience where staties were pulling over every white Z in town for couple of weeks and knocking on our door in the mornings after your movie theater adventure convince you?
In summary: Rocking the boat in you home town is probably not wise. I’d try offering food,sex, or other in attempt to appease the local popo, maybe request a ride-along and buy donuts.

i work in batavia, drive there often like an ass in many different cars. i recall the conquest sideways PLENTY of times. you must dirve like a total asshat, probably in a cavi or something gay im not even going to care.
sometimes i drive like an ass. ive gotten tickets, had asshole cops, every ticket and lecture i got I DESERVED.
stop driving like an ass. no wonder i get pulled over for just driving a civic and asked how i got it imported for japan cuz the JDM cluster…

im going to assume you go to martians and chill in the back of the back of the parking lot and talk how fast your cars are and how they look

i’m sort of kind of hammered but i shoud not have been brought up is this threadone bit and there are never going to be n00ds so you can not tak about that. and uh, the only way a cop can get your license numbr is if you give him your license or they toype n your full name or soemthing i think. fuck.

lol yep, that’s me! :smiley:

Traded it in for an Xterra, so I’m going to spend my winter deciding if it will be easier to convince the wife to let me buy an auto-x beater or race her protege.

I would tell a cop “Officer, I dont know anything about cars. I just am on there for the CATURDAY threads.”

Cool man hope every thing is going well. Is that new Exterra all stock of nave you been to Home depot so tune it up? Send me a pm if you are in the area I will buy you a beer.

Thanks son, for making me like the cop.

X2 where can i get em ? I wanna get pulled over everyday, seriously though I did get pulled over yesterday for my exhaust, and i dont think the nyspeed sticker helped, he was behind me for quite a while.

I got mine when I went to a NYSpeed track day.

I think they might need to make more, they did not have a lot of sizes or colors.