Some of my dads work :) *56k nope?



Its hard to find people that take pride in their work… they usually take flate rate for granted and they just get through the job to move on to the next one.

You guys look similar…
This pic was meant to be funny, and not to offend anyone… I like you guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats cute. Tandem biking 4L!!

I know someone in Grand Island that built a timber framed house, and they hired people from the lumber yard to do most of the big labor involved with the huge timbers.

looks good mr kotter

kitchens ain’t shit

Your pops has skills!!

very awesome work :tup: i love the way the kitchen turned out in the first house

very nice work both places turned out amazing :tup:

NICE. it’s hard to find good quality craftsmen nowadays…


i just came home for lunch and i just kicked adam off to comment here :slight_smile: thanks for all the wonderful compliments so far. i will give adam more pics tonight maybe. i am in the process right now of working on becoming an advertiser. i dont really expect to get a lot of jobs from you guys, being that you are all young(er), but you never know! i also really want to help out this great website you guys have, as i was telling howie.

i dont know if anyone knows who he is but ive remodeled joe crozier’s (old buffalo sabre coach from the 1970’s) house numerous times. i also completely remodeled rob lucas (star 102.5 dj in the morning) house, and i just recently turned down a buffalo bill’s house a couple weeks ago, because he needed it done right away, and i already had prior obligations i needed to fulfill.

thanks again guys and girls!

What do your rates look like? I usually do all of my own stuff, but I was wondering if your services were better off with the $rich$. I am remodeling a bathroom soon… actually expanding it into another room. I don’t want it to look like ass, and I also don’t want it to look like I rushed through it… which means get professional advice…

I can’t wait to get a house to start modding it

cant imagine the day that i put down the wrench to start cutomizing a house…that must really make u feel old

you know it! :wink:

at least you know you’re investing that dolla dolla bill y’all. :tup:

^^:word: At least if I pimp my garage rather than the car in the garage I’ll get that money back when I sell the house, well as long as it’s done intelligently to add value to the home. Not everyone would want to pay more for a home with a lift in the garage, although I have a feeling one or two people on here just might… Putting money into a car just sux from a financial point of view.

Damn, nice work!

I should post pics of the house I was born in, I built it with my two hands. Cool place!

this is a joke, right?.

I think he is talking about a vagina.

i can vouch for that. warm cozy place.

You might be hearing from me before the year is out. Have any pictures of attached/enclosed decks?

i LOVE the bathroom