Some of our projects!!

I am trying to get all the rusty suspension parts sandblasted so I can coat them and reinstall them in the blue car. I dont have room to keep it on jack stands until then. We took on WAY too much the first few months we opened, and are just now catching up becasue we have pushed away/off alot of requests. We all have dayjobs, and work at the shop every night till 1m or later, doing all nighters to get stuff done. This month was catch up month so we can get to the eclipse, and the MG that have sat for wayyyy too long.

Please see above. Its a hard balance of banging out small jobs to pay the bills and keep the shop running and long term jobs. Experiments and trying new stuff like ceramic coating just takes too much time to figure out, test and then be comfortable enough to do on customers parts. I have a $65 can of the stuff on the cart, I just dont have the hours to take out and use it on some of my own stuff first to test it with.