Some of our projects!!

I am trying to get all the rusty suspension parts sandblasted so I can coat them and reinstall them in the blue car. I dont have room to keep it on jack stands until then. We took on WAY too much the first few months we opened, and are just now catching up becasue we have pushed away/off alot of requests. We all have dayjobs, and work at the shop every night till 1m or later, doing all nighters to get stuff done. This month was catch up month so we can get to the eclipse, and the MG that have sat for wayyyy too long.

Please see above. Its a hard balance of banging out small jobs to pay the bills and keep the shop running and long term jobs. Experiments and trying new stuff like ceramic coating just takes too much time to figure out, test and then be comfortable enough to do on customers parts. I have a $65 can of the stuff on the cart, I just dont have the hours to take out and use it on some of my own stuff first to test it with.

The exhaust and skit plate are on point mike! EXACTLY what I had in mind

Could I get a price on a similar skid plate for a MK4 TDI Jetta? And some very minor exhaust work with just some basic galvanized or whatever, 2.5" piping.

Sure thing man. I can put Bowmans Tdi up in the air and build it off his and then just have it ready when you come for the exhaust fix and we can just bolt it on. :number1

What do you need on the exhaust fixed?

Ill get a quote together soon and PM you back. Expect that Pm around this time tomorrow, I need to get to the shop to check on materials costs on that computer.

I understand but you can’t tell people that you’ll do something and to bring a part up to be worked on. According to you I was supposed to drp my headers off on the 26th of last month but you never followed up. You told me on he 12th of last month in 2 weeks you would have me come up but I never heard from you or saw anything completed that you said would be for me to check out, such as the Valve cover you said you were going to try out. Just because your busy(which is good) doesn’t mean people should be pushed away or not gotten to. A simple no is better then being stiffed

Nice i’ll PM you what I’m looking to do!

I wouldnt use the word stiffed. You were looking for a cheaper solution for getting your headers coated, and I said right from the get go “Yeah I can do it, but I have yet to try it, test it and wouldnt accept the work from you until I did.” Its not like you paid for something and didnt get it… that would be getting stiffed. The “I can do it” part meant sure I can clean, spray the coating, let dry and cure it. But you are looking for a polished finish, that from my research from the coating company says after its cured it needs to hand, machine or better yet vibratory polished. The time it would take me to figure out the process, and then polish by hand (which is a royal pain in the ass) after the cure would be easily 6 hours time, more than likely more. Costing me valuable time getting other things already in the building done.

I dont like saying NO, flat out… I explained what i could the best I could what would be the hold up, so if you didnt like the terms choice was still yours to get it done else where. Its hard to say no to friends… but in the last 2 months I am seeing that its more of a need to say no, than a want to.

no hard feelings, if you need it done, go get it done. I am just not in a position to undercut the competition as much as my est was, and just wing it the first time on a customers piece.

Relax Richert. The car isn’t going N E where… :stuck_out_tongue:

PS I blew the dust off your downpipes, thats up there on my list of “put off way too long, GET TO WORK MIKE”. :number1

No problem bro. I need my heads back from the machine shop first and they are backed up too. I might not do the powder coat unless you still want to practice on them. They are hard to see when installed so I don’t care about the finish either way.

either way its up to you. I found some good stuff thats rated to 1200 deg. the pile of parts you dropped off are getting slowly blasted as i have idle 15 minutes here and there between cure’s and what not too.

Jesus rich , I haven’t even been paid for what I have done orrrrrrrrrr storage lol

No hard feelings here either but you told
Me a price that i agreed with, an estimated date(that its well past) and that you would have me come up to see how the test product came out. All of which I have yet to hear from you about and with my question still have o answer for lol i want to give YOU the work so i have not and am not going else where. Either you do it or it doesnt get done cus im not shipping them out. Just was tryn to “support local” as they say

Cause its not done yet!

Shut it joe-sef!

or we could just build a skid plate for mine and make a clone while we’re at it :rofl

ill contact you about building a skid plate for the rally car.

Same here homie. Its just that I over extended myself in the beginning of CRC and I am paying for it (as I sit here alone at the shop, working on shit still) with long ass nights and no personal life… playing catchup for all you guys who are nice enough to support us. Which I really appreciate. Like I said in the RLMS blow up, I am the first to admit I fucked something up. Like I am here… I over committed (half way since no funds/services were exchanged) and under produced. No doubt. I am not asking for pitty, I really am not asking for anything… just honestly explaining myself.

I crossed off a bunch on my list of “WTF took so long” this last few nights here will 2am. So this time when I say I am getting close to having time to play with ceramic, I mean it. :number1

Awesome sounds gudd :tbu

thanks again mike…i still havent gotten a chance to put it on though :frowning:

bad ass pic man!!! THANKS!