Some people are just mean, and sick.

That poor turtle, it’s not like he could go fast enough to harm anything. :frowning:

karma… i hope the sick fuck get’s everything he deserves…

That story brought a tear to my eye…

They better not fucking cancel MAN VS WILD OVER THIS FUCKING SHIT!!!

^lol good show

:cackling: HEH HEH HEH!!! FIRE!! FIRE!!! :cackling:

:laughing: UHHHhhh… huuuhhh huuuuhh :laughing:

Yea! Fire! Fire!

Oh wait, Im not allowed to do that anymore.

thats fucking horrible

i like turtles.

Geez what the hell is wrong with people?

I wish it was a snapping turtle, and got a peice

Are you fucking kidding me.

What the fuck.
This is fucking sick.

i dont even want to watch that, so i wont.

This is all shitty and stuff but

A trust fund has been started for Bob the tortoise. Donations can be made to:
c/o Bill Sullivan
Washington Mutual
Account # 492-105-1085

I laugh at this

Humanity sucks.


i love reptiles, especially turtles, that turtle never meant to do nething but be lazy and have people look at him thru glass and pick him up every now and then. How in the hell does that make him deserve what happened to him.

nothing deserves that kind of treatment. thats just plain terrible