Some pics I snapped of the vert tongiht

It’s out!

mark’s vert.

Nikon D80
Nikor 18-70
manfrotto pod
and some cold ass fingers

very nice man!! those are some amazing shots!


I think they came out ok for 15 mins and the side of a road.

thanks man

wow, sex.

such a nice car

Fuck, car looks amazing.

This car is as sweet as Andrew is gay!

You better mean the car, sport :wink:

hey mark, i thought you said you gave the car to your mom…if shes gonna be driving that…i am sooooooooooo jealous

btw…what wheels are those?

More of the girl, less of the car. K. Thx.

Can i buy your camera, looks good .


EDIT : no more homo

this man speaks the truth:stupid::werd:

i thought son agree’d flat black was gay? fuk i was hopin thered be some hate…

p.s ppl and animals were hurt during the making of this car

u want hate? maybe reason pics are not in full color and full lighting :slight_smile: id have to see it in person to judge. congratz mark on ur new vert. nice rims

Its a new vert. 5-speed this time.

The wheels are Weds Farmas.

1/3 of the pics are monochrom, and mark called me at like 9:30 to come take pics of your car…that’s why the lighting is shitty…

kyle go fist yourself.

hoop your forehead

needs lambo doors lol

lookin nice though. +1

you win this round, you paint sniffing lumberjack sonofabitch…yeah…that’s right.