Some Polishing/shaving i fooled around with today.


i saw it first thing. whats the deal with it

well i wanted a factory cluster that went to 9k.:number1 63k ap1 cluster for my db1

^sweet. installed yet?

i was going to ask if thats a honda s2000 cluster

nice work man. Cant wait to see it painted this year :thumbup

i can only hope it actually gets painted. its looking like a grim chance right now, but once im back to work at the end of the month making baller dough ill see if its in the cards. and no the cluster is not installed yet, i just took these pictures yesterday lol. the car is sitting at morgans parents house in storage so i havent even looked at it in a couple months, i miss my carrrr.

good luck got any more pics

stealin my cluster ideas :wtf

i told you i had that cluster idea like a million years ago. thats why i made such a fuss in your build thread about it lol. so no. you stole MY cluster idea lol…:rofl


of what? the car? or parts?

the car

and just for fun. my 510 lol.

thanks, and nice car

thank you. buy my datsun. so i can finish my car.:rofl

i would love to i have wanted one since like 99

come get it lol. 2k$ and you get like a bajillion wheels with it.

Seamus, can we please Please PLEASE rattle can your car, youre gonna repaint it anyways :smiley:

dude ive had too many rattle canned cars i hate it. its so stupid. and plus when i go to paint it its that much more work to strip it off cause if i paint urethane base clear over it itll react and wrinkle, i could seal it with an epoxy primer and spray over that but i dont wanna do that either, plus if i rattle can it im gonna have to back tape the jams so i dont get overspray in there. the answers no, just no. people dont realize the work involved to reverse a rattle can paint job into a nice paintjob. dont ever rattle can anything you expect to be nice again. word to the wise.