Some shots of the house...


You pong? Anytime dude, let me know.


i have battle scars from pong in college days… i seriously slipped and my arm flew back and i hit my thumb on the corner of the table, destroyed my thumbnail and it gushed blood… then people say “howd that happen?” … “oh… playin ping pong”


where exactly u live ?


I really dig the house :tup: the garage is baller too.

Oh and the dead hookers are stored in Mikes closet… :snky:

very :tup:

nice, why is the painting the only picture with girls in it?

lets see some pics of the garage joe!

that trim screams kenmore / north buffalo… and please say you got your paint from someplace other than home depot, lol.

very nice pad, can’t wait for a place of my own


that trim screams kenmore / north buffalo… and please say you got your paint from someplace other than home depot, lol.

very nice pad, can’t wait for a place of my own


I absolutely got my paint at Home Depot. Can’t pass up $5 gallons in the oops section. Plus, all the paint we got was Behr, quality paint. What’s wrong with HD?

Mistints ftmfw!


Mistints ftmfw!


Well, it worked out for me, so no big deal. Normally I always support small companies too, but at $5 per gallon, I had to do it.

And for anyone that wants to pong or check the place out, shoot me a PM.

It works out for alot of people…my bedroom is a mistint…my friends entire house is mistints…you simply cannot beat the price.

Cool where abouts is the house?

Looks good, I’m itching to buy one soon…

house is in the straight hood, but the parking area is protected.

i really like it there, because it is far more centrally located than my last apartment AND CLEAN. I love clean.

home depot always does me good with paints. its a sweet bachelor pad man.

Ping pong tourney i know me and 95z28 would be down set it up lol

Sweet house Joe… came together real nice. Pics of the Garage??

Very nice man! :tup:

Any exterior shots?

Love the house and joe has done one hell of a job with it :slight_smile:

except for letting a Ginger move in :wink:


house is in the straight hood, but the parking area is protected.

i really like it there, because it is far more centrally located than my last apartment AND CLEAN. I love clean.


knowing joe this house is very chill, well cared for, clean as all hell and tastefully modded.
and tho ive never met mike, seeing his vehicles kind of tell me the same thing.

def. a fuggin tight crib:headbang: