someone go cause ill be at waterfest.

so after getting the free cd from Bury your dead … I suggest buying it or obtaining it by other means… you won’t like it at first but fucking me in the ass it will grow on ya

  1. if it wasn’t for PTW, you ninnies wouldn’t have half of the shitty chugga- chuggaa-weee-weee with sissy girl singing parts.

  2. the fact that no one has mentioned shadows falls is beyond me. although I did not go, i know they put on a pretty decent show. That dudes shitwig is incredible.

  3. fall of troy has been here like 3 times this year. oo yeah and they fucking suck live. sooo hard. some of their songs on record are okay, but they can’t pull it off. sorry. beck - newman listens to some good tunage. GET THE NET!

  4. The namedropping in the thread is top notch.

  5. listen to bad brains or shelter. it is all about jah.

if you went… you’d leave after poison the well it was that horrible… and yes ther shitwig is awesome

and with the name dropping… if you knew anything. you’d know name dropping at shows means nothing… all the band member are down to earth, and will talk to you… invite you out to their cars for a beer or two, and spend the night talking. with the exception of a few of course… as long as you aren’t a total douche.

I just think its funny Beck is talking about dudes in PTW . Nick is a super nice kid.

next stop… New Jack City!!!


that show looked like a waste of money outside of darkest hour, who rip by the way.