Someone is getting Fired...

oh nos

I call BS. Lockheed Martin is required to triple wipe their drives and then burn them. They cannot leave the facility. They also have corporate de-magnetizers for every drive as well, for when they are out of commission.

As for the medical information, I’d believe that. Those damned places are always looking for every penny they can get. They’d part out the organs removed from patients if they could. LOL

the drives could have come from a 3rd party you know…

Probably some contractor :lol:


probably the 4th or 5th time my medical files were lost on a laptop, jumpdrive or whatever… i get a letter every year or two saying my file was lost, stolen or some shit thanks to the VA medical people. employee had a laptop stolen in CT and ended up in a pawn shop covered in VA decals and all. same thing with a Jump drive someone left on a countertop and then used it to sue the hospital. good fun

What surface to air defense weapon does Lockheed have anything to do with? I did not know they did. Do they have a WNY location?

They have a location in Syracuse and in Owego so not really too local. They make a ton of defense stuff, it wouldn’t surprise me that they have a surface to air weapon.

Hum… I assume they would probably be a lot more secure than that.

Hell, when I used to work in walmart at the photo lab…
Whenever we’d get a new upgrade and the drives were replaced, it would have to be removed, formatted + demagnetized by a IBM Tech, then destroyed with the IBM Tech + store manager present.

Fuck… broke my heart watching those server drives get destroyed.
had to be worth a couple hundred bucks at the time at least a piece.
I wanted them for my thinkcentre :[ lol.

3:01 PM

How do we know its all part of an operation to release “disinformation”?

Yea i work in the field and did not recall coming across one but maybe they do part of the control system. But its not like I work with all of the ones used thats why i asked.

the plant in Syracuse does sonar work.

As for what ground to air stuff they make you can find some of it on the corp website. I doubt all of it is there but you can search in a few diff ways.

For some reason I doubt this is true, but I guess any thing is possible if they were from an outside contractor.

For those of you that want to see some of the products made.

That nuts all the shit they make.