Someone needs to find this man and his car *link*

He put his info on page #2 so I did a reverse lookup on his phone # and
this is him:

Kaalemi, D
60 Maybourne
Toronto, ON M1L 2V9
(416) 750-0635

Let’s have the next meet at his house.

now thats a pimped ride done to the tits

why did u want to know who he was?

Cuz I saw his license plate and then noticed his phone # on his site and I got curious? :dunno:

did u know curiosity killed the cat? and that u are now going to die my friend?

I should do that stuff to my dads intepid.

It would take me 1 hour to get there from my house, lol, got to love map quest.

It was me who killed the f*ckin cat. Ya heard.

He’s just across the city from me.

Should i shake his hand, when we meet?

His name sounds Black. Better give him the yo-yo-wassup hand-shake or
the black power salute. :dunno:

go with a jamaican high five

Last name doesnt seem Jamaican. Maybe african.

But in any case i give crackaz the black power salute too. Makes them feel like thugs.

all i have to say is i agree with ucimaplaya2 in the comment section.

hes polish no?

that symbol looks albanian

^^^ yes or Masidonian(sp)


Yes, massa, mo tea massa?

why do we want to meet this guy again?

Cuz Gonad has a raging hard on for him apparently.


I’m all for originality but that might be one too many centre speakers… I can only imagine what that does to the sound stage…

How do you use the trunk?