someone shot themselF at the casinoooo

About the guy who killed himself, there was another guy last year who jumped off the parking ramp to kill himself, and the seneca’s pushed it under the rug.

My buddy works for them, thats what he told me.

Anyways, what a sad odd scene that must have been.

The guy shoots himself, I bet people were literally stepping over his body to get to the slot machine. People are fucking gambling zombies in there.

As for my opinion on the casino, I really have no interest in going. It has a certain entertainment value, but I’m just not interested in it.

I really hope the falls reaps some benefit out of it, as the area is in the shitter.

I don’t see restaurants and stuff popping up around the casino, because the casino squashes establishments, because they offer those same services inside the casino, why would people walk across the street.

Case in point that pizza hut right next to the casino, thats closed, after being open there for as long as I can remember.

A year or so ago, I looked at the job openings at the casino, and there are plenty of 7-9 dollar per hour jobs, but nothing more that I seen.