someone to come help me finish/ inspect the rear brakes on my rsx

looking for some help finish this nightmare up, the rear brakes are both off and taken apart so its ready to go. I need someone with experience to come help me compress/ inspect the rear calipers and get things finished up. Im too frustrated to finish it myself. I’ll pay who ever for there time.



take the cap off the master cylinder > put a c-clamp on the caliper piston > tighten the clamp until the piston is even with the face of the caliper > set new pads in the caliper, and slide over the rotor > replace any bolts and torque to spec.

I really dont know your issue but ive been frustrated with brakes plenty, i just take a step back do something else for a little bit and go back at it after i calm down a little. Just read above and take it step by step, if you still have an issue let me know and ill see if i can come give ya a hand.

the rear caliper pistons are the old school turn in’s, not the easy push ins like i wish. The pass side would turn and turn and not compress so I ordered a new one and picked it up, the drivers side I cant get to turn and when I tried the caliper started to pull apart (caliper bracket bolts started to pull out of rubber boots).At that point I said fuck it I cant deal with it anymore alone.

sent you a pm, is the emergency brake disengaged?

harbor freight sells a square tool that has different pattern on each side to turn in the piston in the slots. then use a wrench to turn

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 PM ---------- for the lazy

if u can get it to my shop at 1205 ridge i can do em

This is cake. I deal with it at work all day long

yep disengaged and parked in gear

I did see that online, I got the pass side to turn with large screw driver and it just kept turning with no compression and the drivers side wont turn at all and the calipers coming apart now

I cant really move the car because of it having no rear brakes on it lol but if i can i will

Brakes are very simple especially disc brakes ive done them a thousand times but these rear calipers that are screw in pistons are being a pain in the ass and I dont have the patience for it

Where do you live. I’m a Honda technician if that helps.

im in west seneca man

forget using a large screwdriver… you need the proper tool like the one from HF to apply the pressure evenly.

I am also. PM me if you don’t find help. u can rent this at autozone or advance for free.

pmed you man

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

funny I called advance and autozone to see if they had one and they said they didnt. Ill have to go there weds in person.

Can u get to the falls you can borrow mine but u need to leave me something of equal value

I use a vise grip and push it in as I turn. Or just buy the right tool to make it easier.

Bump , really need to get this finished I need my car lol. If anyone can help

Im gonna rent the tool from advance in a minute and give it another try

if you have a compresser i have the air version of the tool makes it sooo much easier lmk