While driving to work on 79 a blue Viper GTS passed me. I love those cars, it started my day off pretty good.
Why the hell would someone be driving that in this weather? You sure it wasn’t a neon with a body kit?
thats cool some rich guy in bva has 1. he also owns a '69 orange dodge charger looks like the general it’s pretty cool.
I was thinking the same thing…some people just dont care about that.
have no idea how a seeing a car can make your day :ugh:
your days must be pretty boring…
yea its always cool to see a viper…there so beautiful.
You’d be orgasmic then if you were me. I stopped down at Exotic Cars of Pittsburgh on 51 this morning as part of my job. They have one hell of a showroom with all kinds of interesting stuff in there. It’s too bad I can’t afford anything they have in stock.
Venom on here :boink
maybe he can confirm this.
I know I drive past there everyday…I almost wreck once a week…haha