something to think about.

I’am pretty sure the only reason sex is good for you is because it keeps you active, its like working out.

Jesse, dry humping a girl for an hour and cumming in your pants doesn’t count as, let alone, sex, but loosing your virginity either.


I is keeding :stuck_out_tongue: <3


It does prolong life because having an intense sex session is like running for 20min from what I’ve heard.

Just imagine keeping your little guys in you for over a month, it’s like bad apples that go rotten!

Haha, there are up sides and down sides to having lots of sex. It’s great if you stick with the same woman, but if you’re a nasty whore you run the risk of dying early from STD’s lol.
I’m seriously trying to pick one and stick with it, but the lure of variety is so hard to resist.

Fuck… I’m done for :frowning:

I wonder if it works if she’s always on top…:stuck_out_tongue:

BAHAHA… I think ill be fine sex on a regular basis, i got it figured all out guys lol just have an agruement…but not a bad bad bad one lol then even if you were right say Sorry any ways make her feel bad then next thing you know forgiveness sex is on the rise bahahaha works for me!!!

^im witnessing right now your technique, sitting on your couch. Your wife hates you hahahahahahaha

remind me to never shake ur hand !!!


im going to go to heaven, but i might be late!!

I’m gonna email that article to God, because if what they say it true then in that case I got ripped off and God owes me 2 more lifes after this one!

now if I can just find he’s email address…

Ohhhhh!!! there it is!

oO? was this serious? haha