something to think about.

It basically says that regular sex can make you live longer and healthier.:slight_smile:

Im going to live forever

im gonna die young.

bahaha 2 greatest comments already…

Live fast and die young my man, hopefully not James Dean style.

I’m so fucked!

But, really…what does that mean in this situaton!?

Lmfao, Means your going to die really old

or young? lol

haha great thread

Well. There should be some kind of counter or something. Take a day off every time you bang. Add a day on every time you don’t.

I’d be fucking curious to see the number. Turn it into an age. Shit man.

Lately…not been good.


Wouldnt you be adding times everytime you bang?

Well, what ever. You know what I mean…I hope.

I don’t think I even know what I mean. Fuck…need less work and more sleep.

Definetley more sex too. According to this thread at least.

Lol, yea i know what you ment lol,

LOL. ?

imagine the chaos.

Random girl: “Oh shit, I haven’t had sex in 2 years! Omg…omg, I’m not gonna lice to see my grankids.”

Random Girl 2: “Pfcf, at the rate I have been having sex, I won’t even live long enough to get married. I wish there was a cute guy around, I would tear his pants off right now.”

Random guy eavesdropping enters with a devilish grin

Random guy:“Hey ladies, I couldn’t help but over hear that you two have been so sex deprieved that you won’t evenlive to be married. Well, I can take care of that. I will even put it on your face so you will look 10 years younger in the mirror. It’s like Botox for broke people!”

random group sex

“y hello thar…buttsekz?”

girls would freak about it more than guys. It’d be a mess.

wtf lol

i hate sex i only like foreplay.

All I know is this article is printed and being delivered to my gf house :slight_smile:

thats a good idea.

lol ^ pureeuro, thats right boys sex atleast 3 times a week for a month burns 700 cals, forget running to loose weight, you know what to do now !

Does self preservation count? If so I’m gonna out live all y’all…