Myself either…
I got like 7 virus warnings today, each time it was when i tried clicking on the index link. Whats up with this shit?
same i got 2
me too, and some random black box kept popping up.
mmm, sounds like your computer got merked by the virus. Virus check that shit.
well, meh . my virus protector caught it everytime . and it only occured when i clicked the forum link at the topp
Looks like our primary files were hit again with some sorta trojan that got injected into the code.
We are running the latest versions and all our stuff is pretty tightly secured so this is likely some kind of vBulletin exploit.
Anywho it should be OK for now.
i got the same when i clicked on Bings site today
It’s a PHP exploit it seems:
I noticed all the infected pages on SON/TNC/Bings had very similar <iframe> code injected into their primary index.php files.
In anycase I’ve cleared them all.
Got infected. Oh wells, such is life.
Just applied the latest security patch. Hope for the best.
Only so much more I can do at this point :/: