SON240SX > Honda @ AutoShow 2010

haha good stuff

lmfao that just made my day

Thats so awesome on so many levels lol +1 to you my friend

that’s awesome

hahaha, your jks.

ahah thats pretty jokes +1

lmao fucking win … i used to do shit like this in high school haha


pure awesomeness.

lol good job…fuck honda


lmao way to be

GB tires is going to be caking now. Free advertising for samson haa

^ LOL I should receive some sort of incentive for advertising them

lol you beast you


hahah thats awesome,

+2 for the win!

lmfao very nice

lol gj

Now that’s true dedication and loyalty to SON right there !!! Good job bro, your a trooper!

Bing he deserves a free sticker and a free meal at Cosy.