Sony has PS3, MS has Xbox, Nintendo has Wii, .....What big company you think is left?

I was thinking a few years ago: "That would be awesome if they put a mic in an iPod and called it the “iPhone” …Wooohhoo! crazy. I’d be the first one to buy that!

BAM! …iPhone.

Now what if they made a gaming console to compete with the other big manufacturers. I mean they make everything else and it all works so fluidly. Besides the gaming part, they have everything else to make a little box that sits under your TV that surfs the web, downloads movies, lets you network w/ friends and family …pretty much an iPhone with an HDMI output and a nice gpu is all they need. They can even get rid of the touchscreen and save a few bucks. Maybe use another ipodtouch/iphone as a controller lol. That will also allow for a home phone, screw time warner. Need an “App” to help organize your friends list in multiplayer games, BAM! someone designed one for $.99 on the app. store, go download it!

O, here’s a little evidence after a little researching:

OH man you are not gonna like me today but: FUCK APPLE TOO! those communist motherfuckers are worse than SONY.

They did. It’s call the Pippin.

There is a reason why SEGA don’t want to be in the hardware business anymore. You know how much money SONY and MS lost on each console they sold the first year it was launched?

lol isn’t Sony still loosing money on consoles?

haha, ok :vlad. What’s your reasoning??

Yea that was mentioned in the article.
Yes, they lost money the first year from console sales, but made money from accessories and games. That was their plan right along, because selling the consoles at what they were actually worth was not going to bring in consumers.

a) rules to publish apps in the appstore

b) insane DRM with iTunes etc.

c) i don’t believe you should be told when how and where you can copy something you PAID for. Apple = nazis.

You have to be completely clueless, if you think they’re not trying to protect copyright laws. If you don’t want to pay the $.99 , there’s plenty of torrents and things out there to help you download movies, games, music…

B) reflects C)

And A), if you don’t like it start your own “App. store”. If you come into a paintball arena where they require you to where a mask (if you don’t the insurance company wouldn’t cover the paintball arena owner, which is why they make you sign a terms of use (waiver) agreement to abide by their rules) and you refuse to where a mask and not abide by their rules, why would they let you play? …So you can get them in legal trouble and/or possibly sue them, closing down their business?? Same goes for the app. store. They have a certain number of “rules” to go by for many reasons and if you don’t want to abide by them, you can do whatever else you’d like, but not use the “App. store”.

or i could NOT spend my money on POS commy apple devices.

lol clueless - do some research on developer’s issues with the app store. There’s an app for that too.

I <3 my iPhone :vlad

What does Apple have to offer to the table that no one else does? Nothing really, unless you wanna use your Iphone as a controller.

WM FTMFW! Free tethering for all! :rofl

Riiiight POS …everything I’ve owned that’s apple has never broken and I’ve never had trouble it. Well except my first iPhone, cracked the bottom part of the screen, but that’s what I get for dropping it on the concrete floor at the dealership every other day.

I’m just saying that if apple makes a console tomorrow it will probably dominate the rest and will be made to work unlike early ps3’s w/ the bluray laser problem and everything that’s xbox, well besides the multiplayer as we all know.

So again… What does apple have to offer that other systems don’t.