Console Statistics Site - See Who's Winning the Console War

The Winner is (or will be by next week) Nintendo!!

hahaha ps3 is the suck

Yeah, something else to think about :

PS3 and XBOX360 consoles = money lost on every console sold.

Wii = money made…

o really. i think i need an xbox

Oh yeah, and XBOX has been out for how much longer…?

I’m just saying, nintendo is a investors dream…

Nintendo’s plan of creating a whole new market to sell to worked perfectly. There are people at work who talk about playing on their Wii’s that would NEVER in a million years buy a 360 or PS3.

:tup: to nintendo for a smart product that beat the giants at their own game. just goes to show that having more fun playing > looking at amazing graphics

Exactly as JayS said, Nintendo was able to get their console into the hands of people who wouldn’t buy a console ever. No marketing as a complete media device, it plays fun games, end of story…

I have to give some credit to Microsoft for making media center integration so seemless too though. When I got my 360 I figured it would be some hack job to get it on my network.

Connected the network cable, my media center PC said “I see an Xbox, want to connect” and I was done. Being able to do photo slideshows from my main PC photo directory on the big TV with just a couple clicks is pretty cool. Same for streaming WMV movies. If Microsoft would start pushing these features more with advertising they might start pulling in some of that non-gamer market.

yeah if u like 2 bit graphics :slight_smile:

seriously, my parents bought one and play all the time (in their 50’s). they have never liked, and almost refused to buy me consoles when i was younger!

PS2 is still one of the best selling consoles though which is kind of funny.(not on this chart but another one)

Funny how millions of people don’t care that there isn’t an improvement in graphics over the gamecube. They set out to prove that gaming isnt about graphics and they succeeded.

Not really. They set out to find a new market because they knew they were never going to win the graphics contest. So they found a new group of gamers that graphics didn’t matter as much to.

There are still a lot of hard core gamers out there that think the Wii is a joke. The point being, it’s not 360/PS3 vs Wii. They’re marketed to two different groups. Most hard core gamers who might get a Wii for it’s “fun to play when you and your buddies are drunk” games will still have a PS3 or 360 for their more serious gaming.

true i should have included the act that they tried to tap into all audiences. i bought my wii and thought it was only fun to play with friends but after playing resident evil 4 i have changed my mind completely.

Indeed such a vast improvement, and proof it can have excellent quality games. However that is a spot sorely lacking at this point on the Wii.

ok, then enjoy the 6 games that are out for it then

lol why such a hater? did nintendo butt secks you as a child? I <3 my xbox but they will never replace each other.

lol :slight_smile:

The 360 has been out much longer. I’m sure if you look at the same time period after release the numbers are equal if not better for th PS3.