Sony news from todays GDC conference

This is found from someones blog getting info from someone that’s at the show.

I’m Gtalking live to my friend at GDC (he’s using his Blackberry), and as of 1:36 EST, it hasn’t started yet. Joshua says it’ll start in 5 minutes.

Ooop! Started already.

I’ll just quote what Joshua says exactly. More fun that way! Here it is, my comments [in square brackets].

Blah blah we are better than everyone else. More marketshare and sales.


Talk about why God of War 2 for PS2 rather than PS3.
Clips look awesome.
Wow you will have to find that trailer.
They want to continue support for PS2 over next years.


Lower price for PSP tools. $5000.
Rss and flash browser in next PSP update.
Old news? Video and voice and GPS games for PSP.
Updates in Sept and oct 2006.
Games via network download including ps1 games via Sony service.


PS3 and PSP integrated via USB and wifi. [Hey, this is new, isn’t it?]
Apology for duck speech at E3.

Full backward compatible from day one - PS1 and PS2.
Full Blu-ray support.
[The Blackberry predictive text actually said “Full blue eat sippet” ]
Full 1080i, HDMI.
HDD talk later.
16 companies at GDC making ps3 announcements.
Schedule for SDK on track for June.
Final hardware for dev by E3.

Nice rag doll demo real game prod code.
Wow. Hundreds of guys. Really good.
Showing off multiple pipeline stuff…
Procedural destruction of a lovely rendered car.
All demos in 1080i, by the way.

Blu-ray justification… More everything including 1 disc for a global SKU.
Tech demo of WarHawk.

Ambient warfare, procedural wave generation, volumetric clouds… All true realtime in HD.
Another plug for Cell and RSX.
No low level opt. No assembly

[PlayStation Network Playform]

Network platform: content communication, community and commerce are focuses.
Free basic service.
Available at launch worldwide.
Developed with Sony online entertainment.
3rd party game servers can be connected.
Shop for selling online content with APIs for in game.
Game launch from hdd without game disc??? [Sounds right.]
Server delivery schedule announced.
F1 game in dev!
Wowee! [Joshua and I are both big F1 fans.]
[Though I wonder why F1 is mentioned in this part of the presentation. Maybe just an example of online gameplay.]
Complete integration with network stuff like chats and email in game.
Game/shop integration quite nice. [They’re showing actual screens.]


MotorStorm demo
[I asked: Is it realtime?]
His answer: Yes.
[I’d love to see that video!!!]
Real game really innovative really cool.
Now we are viewing some pre captured stuff.
Much bigger demo coming at E3.

Demo of “Resistance Called Man”, a FPS. Nice.
[Joshua meant “Resistance: Fall of Man”]
Insomniac Games did it.

[PlayStation Network Playform, Part II]

Really want to focus on a network based gaming business rather than disc based.
I guess in concert with as well… Episodic content downloads, etc. In game advertising as another revenue stream. [Doh! Well, if it keeps costs down.]
Launching e-distribution initiative
Launched today [Website link for developers/distributors.]
That’s probably it. Sorry it was a bit unorganized.

[The End]

So we didn’t get a ton of new news, but we did get some. I’d really like to thank Joshua for providing this realtime update. He had to thumb it with his Blackberry, so thanks, Joshua!

Now I need to find all that material online somewhere. I’d love to see screenshots of the online stuff, and of course the game demo videos.

Can be found here: