SONY SXRD 50in lcd TV $500obo

well, if you realy want me to post a pic i can but you can google it if you like. Its a 50 in sxrd sony i purchased a few years back when it was rated TV of the year. Its rear projection and displays 1080p however only accepts 720p inputs. Picture is great and was replaced by sony about 1 yr ago so TV is stil fairly new. Comes with spare projedctor bulb incase you ever need it. I never have.

This TV is awesome and i realy love the picture, however the wife wanted a “new” looking tv whatever that means so we picked up a new samsung 58in plasma.

$500 obo.

or a model number or such?

what is ittttttt?
im just really wondering dimensions/weight tbh.

It may be the xbr1. The a2000, a3000, and xbr2 all came with hdmi inputs for 1080p

I’ve been thinking of selling my 60" a2000 but the picture is so nice I can’t part with it. I recently got a new sharp 120hz and it doesn’t compare to my sxrd imo…
LCOS processes motion like no lcd I’ve found yet…GLWS

This is a great TV. At the DVD release party a few years ago this was the same model I used as a display, only at 60in :tup:

this is the KDS-R50XBR1 i believe and it cost me around $3500 brand new a few years ago. Like others have already mentioned, the picture is still super good in comparison to many new TV’s. The sxrd technology was super good for its time and still is in todays standards. Only issue is its not a thin tv like my wife likes. lol whatever though, ill take an